playing the first time with Exe4j to pack Netbeans Java apps to exe files needed alot of boose!

Puzzle is to find out all the jars needed to satisfy the "compiler" so here we go with the help of the fantasic site :
Analysing the error.log file very looooong so only

The END :
using Netbeans / Liubraries ind the Guibuilder i made the appropriate includs of these JDG1.6 jar files to the Exe4J packer and got abt 56MB junk of exefile whick runs on the develop-machine.

Transfer to a very old WIN98 : seems problem win Java JRE..checking...problm with EXE4j_JAVA_HOME not found - leaving for later seems alot of ppl having the same problem - ->How can I package the swing-layout-version.jar library into my application JAR? ->
fin for today : deployed EXE4j file to workstation - ok! - still needs test with EXE4J options